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Types of tea

Fascinatingly, green tea and black tea originate from the same plant, camellia sinensis, also known as the tea bush. Surprisingly, whether it's black, green, white, or oolong, they all share this common source, making it one of the most remarkable aspects of tea production. 

White Tea

White tea, aptly named after the delicate white 'down' found on the buds, is minimally processed. The plucked leaves are left to air-dry, allowing slight oxidation over about 24 hours. The result is an exceptionally light and gentle tea with a pale green or yellow liquor, offering a true indulgence in its exquisite delicacy.

White tea is one of the least processed types of tea, made from the young and tender buds of the tea plant. When the buds are plucked, they are covered with fine white hairs, which give the tea its name. These buds are simply allowed to dry naturally, which is a much gentler process compared to other types of tea.

green tea

Green Tea

Green tea is a carefully crafted tea, starting with plucking the leaves, followed by withering and rolling to enhance their natural qualities. The pivotal step in green tea production is the application of heat, either through roasting in a wok or steaming in a cylinder, which prevents fermentation and preserves the tea's refreshing green color. This heat treatment also ensures that the leaves retain their delicate flavors and aromatic compounds, making green tea a delightful and healthy beverage choice.


Black Tea

Black tea, sourced from the tea bush, undergoes a well-defined process. After plucking, the leaves are exposed to the open air to wither until they become supple. Subsequently, the leaves are skillfully twisted and left to ferment. This crucial stage of fermentation leads to oxidation, resulting in the dark hue of black tea. To preserve the rich flavors, the fermented leaves are then cooked in a large oven. Black tea, beloved by the British, is often enjoyed with milk and a couple of biscuits, showcasing its widespread popularity and comforting appeal.

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We believe that finding excellent loose leaf tea should be effortless, especially for a nation of tea drinkers like us. Introducing our bespoke wholesale service, where our exquisite teas are now accessible to business customers at trade rates. Get in touch with us today using the form below, and we'll be delighted to assist you in creating a personalized package that perfectly suits your needs. Elevate your tea offerings with our beautiful teas and delight your customers with exceptional quality!

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