Our Journey: People & Places

Our working process

Gratitude fills my heart for the many blessings in life. Among them, I hold a deep appreciation for my mum's vegetable garden, where I witnessed the origin of the food my family consumed and the role of people in its creation, even before I could speak.

Tea, a beloved beverage enjoyed across the world, has lost some of that profound connection with its origins, where and how it is grown. However, in places where this link persists, the unique landscapes and the people who produce distinctive and characterful teas are revered and celebrated. My understanding of tea transformed during my first visit to China, where I realized its significance as more than a mere kitchen commodity. It can be an enriching cultural experience. Inspired by this revelation, Tea store founded with the intention of sharing the true essence of tea in all its glory.

At Tea Store, our purpose is to offer the most fulfilling tea-drinking experience to people worldwide. This experience revolves around the exquisite flavors and aromas of our teas—each one possessing a unique character, shaped by its origin and the expertise of its makers.

In essence, exceptional tea is a simple pleasure that harmoniously combines the efforts of people and nature. From the gardens where the leaves are nurtured to perfection, to the cup that holds the infusion, it all comes together to deliver an unparalleled taste. Our packaging ensures that the leaves remain at their peak freshness, while our teaware allows tea enthusiasts to fully savor the tea's natural purity and distinctiveness in the comfort of their homes.

With a deep-rooted passion for tea and a commitment to preserving its authenticity, we embark on this journey to bring the world closer to the remarkable beauty of tea—its stories, its people, and the places that make it truly extraordinary.


About our online store

One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armor-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff.